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Registration overview

Race date: August 1-3, 2025

Event location: Quito, Ecuador

Distances: 80K, 50K, 30K, 20K, 8K

Runner check-in: August 1st and 2nd, 2025

**Registration fees in USD **

The discount for Ecuadoreans runners is applied at checkout

Category TIER Price INT Price ECU
80K Oso Tier 1 $204,00 $183,60
50K Nutria Tier 1 $149,00 $134,10
30K Tucán Tier 1 $99,00 $89,10
20K Quinde Tier 1 $72,00 $64,80
8K Humboldt Tier 1 $50,00 $45,0

*Values subject to change. Registration fees change according to the number of participants. *Each Tier has a specific registration fee and number of available spaces. Once the spaces of each Tier are filled, it automatically pass to the next registration value.